Music Videos


The Edge

Becky Sikasa

Produced by Olivia J. Middleton & Leon Brehony | Directed by Olivia J. Middleton

Serviced by MTP Scotland



Becky Sikasa. For Black History Month

Produced by Olivia J. Middleton & Leon Brehony | Directed by Olivia J. Middleton

Commissioned By Sustrans



Becky Sikasa

Produced by Olivia J. Middleton & Leon Brehony | Directed by Olivia J. Middleton



Emma Pollock & Pippa Murphy. From Hen Hoose album EQUALISER.

Produced by Carys Evans

Finite Productions Scotland | Supported by MTP



“Middleton cleverly elevates the visual through subtle art direction and choices in the composition and edit, anchoring the video in reality whilst adding an abstract creative flair. “ - Promonews

*Aesthetica Short Film Festival 2020

Lunir - Produced by Olivia J. Middleton & Leon Brehony

Directed by Olivia J. Middleton



Lunir (Live Session) - Produced by Olivia J. Middleton & Leon Brehony | Directed by Olivia J. Middleton